<aside> 👁️‍🗨️ Uncovering the layers within, to BE boundless, limitless Love!


Enrolments for FoH 2 are open !

If you feel called to partake on this journey, you may share your email ID and we'll get in touch.


"We go through life walking in the immense darkness of unknown realities with a little flashlight in our hands, imagining that only what our little light makes visible is real. We generally see and experience only an infinitesimally small sliver of what actually exists and remain strictly within the confines of what our tiny light illumines. The true power of life does not lie within the confines of our tiny light, but in the immense darkness of unknown realities that are the greater story of our lives. Our lives are much more immense than we know, and connected to vast currents of hidden influences and possibilities. But we must stretch out into the darkness with the full measure of our longing, and surrender to the greater unknown context of our lives in order to begin to embrace and be embraced by a Love that is awaiting our invitation. And it is not only an invitation in word but also in deed—the act of offering our Being and the fullness of our lives to the darkness of the unknown currents—eternal possibilities that we cannot control but must instead invite with heartfelt surrender.” -Adyashanti

What is The Fellowship of the Heart?

The Fellowship of the Heart (FoH) is a two month online journey alongside friends. It is an exploration to dive inside ourselves in utter honesty, in authentic genuine enquiry to explore the core issues that hinder our hearts and how it plays out on the canvas of our lives. It’s divided into 2 parts, the first month with an emphasis on Deep Heart, while the second on embodying and living it. This course is primarily group based, with the spirit of discovery and commitment to share and cross learn along with the other participants, creating a space of belonging, wonder and deep love for oneself and the community around us, alone and together.

Core focus


Areas of impact

Each week would have a fresh session and each of the sessions would go in depth on the following topics:

Part 1 – Understanding and Expression